Vegan Sour Cream and Water (Substitute For Buttermilk)

Vegan sour cream thinned with water can serve as a plant-based substitute for buttermilk in recipes.

Vegan sour cream is typically made from non-dairy ingredients like soy, cashews, or coconut milk, combined with acidifiers to mimic the tangy taste and creamy texture of traditional sour cream.

To use vegan sour cream as a buttermilk substitute, you would thin it with water to reach a similar consistency to buttermilk.

The ratio can vary, but a starting point might be to mix equal “parts” vegan sour cream with water.

Adjust the thickness by adding more water if necessary.

Vegan Sour Cream and Water Substitute For Buttermilk

Vegan Sour Cream and Water Substitute For Buttermilk

Vegan sour cream thinned with water can serve as a plant-based substitute for buttermilk in recipes. Vegan sour cream is typically made from non-dairy ingredients like soy, cashews, or coconut milk, combined with acidifiers to mimic the tangy taste and creamy texture of traditional sour cream.


  • 1/2 cup (120 mL) of water
  • 1/2 cup (120 grams) of vegan sour cream


    1. Add 1/2 cup (120 mL) of water to 1/2 cup (120 grams) of vegan sour cream and stir. Adjust the proportion of water and sour cream based on the desired thickness.

When using this mixture as a buttermilk replacement, it will provide the tartness and creaminess that buttermilk would contribute to a recipe.

This can be particularly useful in baking where buttermilk’s role is not only for flavor but also for its acidity, which reacts with baking soda to help leaven baked goods.

The vegan sour cream mixture will not have the same dairy proteins as buttermilk, which may affect the structure and texture of the final product slightly.

Additionally, the type of base used in the vegan sour cream (soy, cashew, coconut, etc.) may impart a slightly different flavor than traditional buttermilk.

As with any substitution, especially when dealing with dairy-free and vegan alternatives, some trial and error may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome in the recipe.

It’s also good practice to consider the specific flavors and properties of the vegan sour cream you’re using, as these can vary by brand and ingredient composition.

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